Monday, February 9, 2009


Well today was the day I took my 1st Anatomy test, both Lab and Lecture. I really don't know how I feel about how well I did. There were things I defiantly knew and there were things I am pretty sure I knew and then there were things I kind of remembered but it was more of a guess and then there were the things I just completely had no idea and guessed. So I have no idea what I made. I really want a A but am praying for at least a C. I can honestly say I did all I could do to prepare for this test. There isn't anymore I could of done. I started studying from day 1 so I did the best I could. I am kind of down about it because I wanted to walk out of there knowing I did great with no second thoughts but I will just have to wait till Wed to see how I did. Well time to go study for the next 6 chapters!

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