Friday, June 6, 2008

Update on Zinger!

The Vet called this morning and said that he just couldn't sleep all night
because he kept thinking about Zinger and how he could try to get the stone
back into his bladder so he wouldn't have to do that other surgery with the
Specialist (that surgery would basically be having to make that area into
a girl from a boy) and so he tried one more time this morning and was able
to get the stone back into the bladder!!! Yea!!! So he was able to go back into
the bladder and get the stone out so now Zinger does not have to have the
other surgery and he gets to come home tomorrow!! It was wonderful news
not only for Zinger's sake but also for our checking account!! This stuff is not
cheap!! So now we just have to pray that he won't get any more stones. If he keeps
getting them then we may have to have that other surgery because the stones can
pass that way but they are putting him on new food that is suppose to help prevent
stones so we will have our fingers crossed and just keep sending out prayers that
Zinger will be healthy and stone free from now on!! Thanks to all those that sent out
a little prayer for worked!!!

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