Last Sun we went to eat at Pei Wei. We always get edamae and Jade loves edamame but we have to get the soybeans out of the shell for her. Well she was so hungry I couldn't get them out fast enough. At one point she looked up at me and said "more" and did the sign language sign for more. For some reason when she did that it just melted my heart and I almost cried! Even now just thinking about it makes me want to cry. I don't know why because it was so cute but it is just one of those things. She is just so sweet and when she did that it made her even sweeter, if that is even possible. I will never forget how she did that! Never forget the look on her face! Wish I could video tape every second of all the kids!! That was the first time she did the sign language. The last week she was in school they had written on her paper that they learned some sign language but this was the first time she did it. It was amazing to me that she remembered it and knew how to use it!
We are still waiting to hear back from a preschool to see if they will let her in (they have to approve because she now has type 1 diabetes). She really misses school. Everytime we drive by her old one (they couldn't take her anymore because she got diabetes, said they couldn't take on the liability) she points and says "school, school." But I know it will all work out.
Jade's Dr appt went well. We talked about how she does not like the shots and the Dr gave us something called an I-Port. Google I-Port and you can see a picture and how it works. But it is a port that you put in her and it stays in her for 3 days and you give her shots in it so she doesn't feel it!! Then you change it after 3 days. It has made life so much easier! I don't know why they don't tell you about these right off the bat! I think it would make things so much less tramatic for a child when first getting diagnosed! Paul had never heard of them before either but the Dr said they had been out for awhile. Anyway it has made it a lot easier!
Hope everyone is having a good week! ACCOUNT DE-ACTIVATION IN PROGRESS ™
39 minutes ago
Isn't it cool when they use the sign language? I like to watch my nephew, Rory, use sign language. Tara said they've made some signs up themselves that he uses.
In case anyone was wondering what the sign language sign is for more see this youtube video.
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