Here are some things Kyler has been up to...
Skateboarding! He is getting really good as well!!
Baseball. This is the first year he has played baseball but he is really good at it! He is going to a baseball camp this summer for two weeks!!
He is doing really great in school this year! He has made A's and B's all year and has not missed a day of school this year!!! He is very proud of that!! He only missed 1 day last year!
He loves music and has gotten into CD's and is always using Paul's ipod.
He is really good at art. He can pause the tv and draw free hand what is on the tv (like a cartoon character).
He is also really good a video games. I have to limit them to about 30 minutes a day otherwise they would play all day!
He is really good on the computer! He can do a power point presentation! He can also search the web real well, find games to play, ect.
He also was really great at skiing! In ski school they start them without poles and they have to work up to poles. Kyler made it to poles by the end of the first day. They told us it usually takes about a week! Very impressive!
He is ready for summer!!! I think we all are ready for summer!!
C-Ya later!
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