Branson can ride a bike now without training wheels!!!! He asked us the other day to take off his training wheels and he jumped on his bike and off he went!! It was that easy!! We were all shocked because it took Kyler a few days back when he was learning to ride a bike.
There was no holding the back of his seat, running behind him, ect. He just jumped on and off he went! Now that he has been riding for a few days it is almost as if he never had training wheels at all!! I am really proud of him!! Go Branson!! Yay!!!
I just found your blog through your husbands blog, via cfhusbands blog.
Our son Rickie has CF and is almost 7 years old, he turns 7 in August.
He was only diagnosed last year--he was sick his entire life, and the doctors never tested him for CF. Although I asked about it when he was 18 months old.
He's been hospitalized numerous times before his diagnosis and this past winter he spent about 6 weeks in the hospital.
On a positive note these past months have been Rickie's healthiest ever (no coughing). Never thought it was possible.
Would lie awake at night listening to the most horrendous coughing ever. He coughed every 15 seconds his entire life, up until we found out about his CF. Unfortunately, he has considerable damage to his smaller airways because of not being diagnosed.
I really like your attitude about this's wonderful and we're really trying to have the same one. It's just when he's sick so often it gets a bit overwhelming. Thank you for blogging I will be back and check in on your wonderful family!
Yeah from Branson! There will be no stopping him now!
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