So can I just tell you how much I hate trying to find Precious (my horse) a new home? Man I hate it!! Why? Why? do they have to sell the place she is at now?? Why??? Well I do know why but Why I ask Why???
Ok enough of that.... So lets do a flashback to when we lived in the Dallas area. I had Precious at a pretty nice place that was about 15 min drive at the time well they got a new guy to live and take care of the horses and I started to think he was starving my horse so I decided to move her. Well you look on the internet for places that board and on the internet pictures will look amazing and you think you have found a great place but then you go see it in person and the place will look nothing like the pictures or will be a dump or the people taking care of the horses aren't that great, ect, ect. I swear I looked for about 2 months and had almost given up hope mean while I was sneaking food to my horse everyday since I thought the guy was not feeding her. Now in Dallas they don't have much land left because they have just built houses everywhere but out of the blue I found a place with over 500 acers (which was a miracle in its self) and was perfect! I never wanted to move again but then we moved to Austin.
The search began again and my time ran out so I just picked a place that was ok but quickly found out that it was not going to work out. But as luck would have it a person at my husband's work knew of a place close to where we live and we checked it out and move Precious there the next day. That is where she is at now. Well I have till Aug 15th to find a new home and let me just say the search for the new place is on! Things have not changed much as far as searching goes. I was looking on the internet and found one place and all the pictures looked awesome then I started to wonder why I was not at this place already and then the last picture came up of the barn and I remembered back when we first moved to Austin that we did check that place out and it was a dump and it was a not a lot of land which means riding in circles which is get very boring fast! It is amazing how good you can make a place look in pictures! So the search continues.
It is just one of those things that has to feel right. Your horse has to be happy where she is at and I have had her at places that she was not happy and you can just feel it. It really affects a horse if they are not happy. It just has to be a place that you feel is right and I sure hope we find it soon cause the clock is a tickin! Wish us luck!
[39+] Versets Coraniques Écrits - ..
4 days ago
1 comment:
Good luck on finding the best place for Precious. I know what you mean about some riding / boarding facilities. We have some dumps around here too! Guess I will just have to postpone getting another horse until I have the land and barn to keep her with me.
And thanks for the comment. Bry had a really bad time last night too. She was up every 2 hours, just crying. Poor baby...mommy may just let everything go today and just cuddle with her.
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