Last week when the wind was blowing a 100mph and I went to run I remembered a story
one of my college professors told the class. The story has stuck with me and the more I live
the more I see how true it is. So I will tell it here and now the best that I can. It involves a bird but I can't remember what kind of was a big bird like a hawk, eagle, something like that so anyway we will say a Eagle (although I don't think it was an Eagle because I googled it and it didn't have this info on it but we will still use this bird)
So the story goes from what I remember....The Eagle makes a nest in a tree and from there he will hunt for food and stay until the wind starts to blow hard. When the wind blows hard the Eagle must go where the wind will take him until the wind dies down and then he will make a new nest and home. If the Eagle tried to fight the wind to stay where he had already made his home he would die. The wind would be too strong for him to fight and he would spend all his time flying against the wind. So instinctively when the wind picks up the Eagle does not fight it but goes with it. The wind of change so to speak. When you live in this world, people have their own kind of wind of change. You can do two go fight it as hard as you can to stay right where you are at or you can go with the wind and see where it takes you. Although we will not die if we fight it to stay where we are we are sure to miss out on opportunity that will never come our way again. No matter how hard you try you cannot stop the wind.
I remember not really understanding that story when my teacher told it. At least not to the degree I do today. Two years ago when we lived in the Dallas area and my husband got a job in the Austin area, I didn't want to move. I fought it tooth and nail. We tried commuting. That was horrible. Finally I agreed to move but was pretty negative about every house we looked at. Obviously, I was not remembering this story at the time! But finally I did have a wake up call and realized I was making things a lot harder than they had to be and started to go with the flow. My wake up day looking at all the houses to buy my husband asked my 7 son which one he liked and he said he didn't care as long as we all lived there. Wow! It would take my 7 son to make me wake up! So after that things started to flow and our house sold in Dallas and we found a beautiful home in Austin with a gorgeous view from our backyard!! Every morning when I wake up and look out the back I promise myself I will never take the view for granted! And to think I almost missed out on this experience trying to stay in one place!! Who knows where the wind will take us next but it will be ok if it is here forever or some place new because I know if there is a next place it will be even more beautiful than here. Here is a pic of our view that I see everyday! Can't believe I fought this!!
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