Here is my diet update. Last night I didn't eat a lean cuisine but had one hotdog with relish and I had spinach for a vegie. Total calories were 320. My Will-Power was pretty good because I really really wanted to have another hotdog but didn't. Thanks Paul for helping me to not eat more!! I worked out last night for 45 minutes. So today I lost 1/2 a pound! Wooo Hooo! Actually this is my typical routine where I will lose a couple pounds during the week then gain it all back during the weekend so that is why my goal is to not fall off the wagon this weekend! Today is going better with food. For lunch I had a lean pocket, salad and a banana and when I was done I felt full. So my stomach is shrinking and now I just have to make sure my brain doesn't talk me into eating more just because it taste good. That's where my Will-Power has to come in! And like I said he has been on extended vacation. So thats it for now but I will keep you update!! Bathing suit here I come!!
[55+] Oasis Verte Moderne - ..
2 days ago
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